“Regardless of genre or style DTVC aims to build stronger singers by presenting a fresh and relevant perspective on contemporary singing“

I’ve been helping people to sing for over 15 years and in 2016 I decided to create this tuition website to help more people – it’s received amazing testimonials and feedback from students worldwide ever since.
All of the material and the invaluable insight I deliver through this website is taken from my personal experience and development over the span of my 20 year career as an artist and now I would personally like to invite you to sign up and join the ‘Daniel Tompkins Vocal Coaching’ website.”
By becoming a member you’ll gain access to over 100 video tutorials as part of my growing content and be able to check in with me on a monthly basis through my VIP membership.
In addition to the educational material the site has to offer I have also created a community area, where together we can share experiences and learn from each other and there a lots of Blogs, Podcasts and Live Vocal Performances to check out!